And It Was Good

By |2018-02-09T19:26:32-06:00January 10th, 2014|Beginnings, Consciousness, Evolution, God, Greater Reality, Interconnected, Transformation|

Far back into the unknowable past, even before the beginning, stretching out into the incomprehensible, unfathomable depths, dark and void of infinite eternity behind and beyond all history, the Christpower was alive. This was the living, pulsing, generating, creating, smoldering, exploding, fusing, multiplying, emerging, heating and cooling power of life itself: Christpower. And it was [...]

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A Mythical Christmas: In The Beginning

By |2018-02-09T19:26:33-06:00December 3rd, 2012|Beginnings, Christianity, Evolution, Jesus, Religion, Transformation|

Christmas holds a special place in my heart, not because of any religion or theological beliefs, but mostly because it was my dad’s favorite holiday and because it’s a time of year for many family traditions and rituals to be played out. Every year we know the traditional frustration of hanging lights on the house [...]

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The Great Web of Life

By |2018-02-09T19:26:46-06:00December 17th, 2010|Consciousness, Evolution, Featured, God, Integral|

As human beings continue to evolve, so do our conceptions of God. In fact, I would go so far as to say that as human beings evolve, God evolves right along with me, and with every step I take toward deeper consciousness and compassion action, I believe God takes another step toward its own perfection [...]


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