Downward Slope and Upward Climb – Need ’em Both for a Beautiful Valley

By |2020-08-15T15:22:19-05:00August 15th, 2020|Articles - Leading Through Change, Consciousness, Interconnected, Paradox|

There will be a time when one will have come such a long way over the high way of God, that the valleys would cease to appear… just the hilltops would appear to us. After we have passed through these valleys which may seem less desirable than the hills, we may look back over the [...]

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Darkness In The Light: Depression During the Holidays

By |2018-11-30T08:38:00-06:00November 30th, 2018|Christianity, Consciousness, Depression, Faith, Interconnected, Shadow Work|

It’s official. We have entered the holiday season - even though I saw Christmas decorations at Target this past July… but let’s not go there. The bell has rung, and we are out of the gate - starting on Thanksgiving, running into Black Friday, zipping through Small Business Saturday, leaping over Sunday (there must [...]

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My Hallelujah Thanksgiving

By |2018-02-09T19:26:28-06:00November 24th, 2016|Community, Consciousness, Death & Dying, Gratefulness, Interconnected, Transformation|

It might sound strange, but Muppets are necessary for me at this time in my life, because they remind me there is hope. You see, there are places in my mind and heart - doorways really - full of such sorrow that I do not want to enter. Yet these doors get blown open over [...]


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